4.10 Yahusha's Crucifixion Year Part 1

3 years ago

Yahusha's Crucifixion Year - Part 1
With many different calendars all laying claim to a specific year of the crucifixion, which ones can ALSO claim full and complete alignment with the words of the Scripture? Better yet, which calendars can reveal total compliance and timing fulfillment with each and every text of the Passion Week?

Which of these can accomplish a step by step pathway of the Lunar Calendar Passover of the Jews, and also, the Torah based Dawn to Dawn Passover of the Covenant, and still produce meticulous alignment with the Messianic Testament (New Testament) documentation?

And if these proclaimers of the Faith can achieve a suitable CE year with the Scriptural midst of the week (Wed) crucifixion as precisely detailed in the Scriptures, can they also,

1. find precise alignment with the crucial 12 hour offset which pinpoints the accurate CE year of the crucifixion by

2. defining the two different Passovers, of the two separate calendars as specifically recorded by Matthew and John?

Which of the years from CE 26 to CE 34 cannot apply?

What makes the CE year of the crucifixion so incredibly blinding brilliant, that it cannot be mistaken?

In Part 1, you will find how the Calendar Rubble is removed from the years CE 26-29 and CE 31-34 in preparation for the most amazing discoveries in Part 2. It's time to take the challenge, be amazed at what you find, and be blessed as you share with others. Shalom!


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