Who is your father? (John 8:38-47)

2 years ago

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This week we will study ‭‭‭‭John‬ ‭8:38-47. In this passage, we see that Jesus and the Jews disagreed on who the Jews' father was. This passage also challenges each person to reason through who their father is, not their earthly father, but their spiritual father.
-Vlog for Aug 14, 2022
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#Biblestudy #christian #John

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-Design, produced, and audio by Cas Medlin (casmedlin@wbem.org)

-Based each and every week on my Christian Blog

-Section Titles:
0:00 - ‭‭Father Abraham
1:17- ‭‭Sons’ of the Devil
3:00 - ‭‭Clear Image
3:57 - ‭‭Wake Up Call

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