🕵️‍♂️ Ep#1 Senad Dizdarevic EXPOSED Deceiver | DISINFORMATION On The Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap

2 years ago

Hello Friends, I hope you find yourselves well. We all reside in a realm that is plagued by lies, inversion, deception, manipulation, and endless clown show circus ringmasters. Even though I have occasionally mentioned a number of the ringmasters on the channel from time to time I generally try to stay away from it. I by no means claim to have all of the answers, but the one area where deception isn't welcome is with the soul trap (and there's TONS of it!).

While some may feel that they have to go between "grid", or die at a certain angle in order to liberate themselves I've personally found it to be all garbage. The entire point is for us to TRANSCEND the illusion via our INTENTION with sovereignty and liberation as our guiding force NOT CONTINUE TO EMBRACE IT! When you come to a point in your journey and realize that yes this is an illusion, and that yes the astral realms are also included with that illusion you start to quickly understand that pure existence within your core essence is the only logical path. I'll say it again I DON'T PRETEND TO HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS, but I do realize what *I* need to do to never come back to this dumpster fire, and that is to assert my creator being powers with every fiber of my being, and NEVER WAIVER. If "going between the net" or "laying at a 45 degree angle" is what you feel will liberate then by all means go for it but:

1) Going Between The Net means you are still giving the illusion the upper hand, and
2) If you feel you need to lay at a 45 degree angle that just proves how little you truly believe in yourself.

These are just a few examples out of many, and as this series moves along I plan to expose the rott which dares to continue perpetuating this system. The information and research pertaining to the matrix reincarnation soul trap is sacred ground IMO, and if people want to crap on it and deceive then there's nothing I can do to stop it but I can speak out about it. If it saves one person time from falling in the endless abyss of lies then it'll be worth it. Even the new age has decided to dip their toe's in the soul trap waters by going as far as to claim that they got messages from aliens and they said that the reincarnation trap has been shut down lol. Think about how many people trust these people and will just give up researching right then and there. This is why spreading real research into the soul trap is so important, and to this day the only two I trust are still Wayne Bush at trickedbythelight.com & Dan at OverWatchChannel & OverWatchProject.com

So tonight as part of the first episode in the exposure series we will dive into a man by the name of: Senad Dizdarević from Slovenia

It's hard to imagine many falling for much of what he says but you'll some familiar book recommendations and data points which are regularly discussed here. He even claimed that starting back in November of 2020 that he liberated over 1 million galaxies inside the cosmos, lol. Pretty impressive if you ask me lol. Let's get into it

*Source Video From: JeffMaraPodcast (Thank You Jeff & Mara)
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0:00 Countdown Clock (Skip to Next)
8:40 Quick Hello & Introduction
11:14 Exposing Senad Dizdarevic | Segment 1
1:13:32 BREAK #1 (Skip to Next)


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