The Squatter Man - More Than A Plasma Event

2 years ago

The Squatter Man - Said to be a plasma event that takes/ or having taken place in the sky. This video isnt arguing if it did or not, but rather the pattern I previous found in Sport Circuits on all pitches/sports grounds relating to The Squatter Man, I have now found everywhere.

Squatter Man is said to be an Archetype but this may be THE ARCHETYPE. With its simpler forms being an hour glass, triangle, X or cross. Although I haven't covered it in the video, I have also found this on carpets, wallpaper, sweets, gates, fences... The list goes on. For me its even present in the Mayan Calendar, take a look see what you think.

This isn't a theory, I'm presenting evidence that the Squatter Man pattern is present in nearly all patterns and things, if not all.
This pattern may predate the pattern of life/the flower of life, or it may not. I argue its the same pattern. & whether its Intentionally placed or rather programmed within us, coming forth unintentionally/ subconsciously could be argued either way.
This pattern on a mirco/marco level is the pattern and basis for all things, hidden in all things is this pattern and with this pattern you can form all things. You just have to see it from different perspectives, the lines I form help.

Further videos may follow on this one, I see it as a continuation of Sport Circuits, as that pattern led me here. Sport Circuits Part 3!

Sport Circuits Part 1:

Sport Circuits Part 2 :

#SquatterMan #TheFlowerOfLife #Decoded

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