5.2a Bread of the Last Supper - Intro study

2 years ago

Many have questions at this time of the year as Passover is approaching and everything is being made ready to celebrate the ordinances of Yahusha’s Supper as He instituted with His disciples only a few hours before He was “the sacrifice” for each one of us. It is getting to be more popular all the time for churches and assemblies to serve leavened bread and juice for these emblems. What happened for so many churches to make this switch? Didn’t our pioneers all understand that our Messiah’s Body can never be represented with “leavened products”? In this short introduction, our question is this: “Should not the gospel writer’s be able to give us clarity on the type of bread at this Last Supper?” Or is it acceptable to find our answers on the internet and hope it is correct? Perhaps this short introduction will help you formulate where the truth is to be found, so just
“Come and See.”

The full study https://youtu.be/tJWKEEqPozw


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