Davidoff Yamasa - Cigar Review

5 years ago

Experience the incredible aroma of coffee and spice with an earthy tone while you're enjoying these amazing Davidoff Yamasa Cigars. Made with a sophisticated Davidoff wrapper that features an oily shine with dark coloring, this full-bodied cigar includes hints of nuts, black pepper and cedar wood while also having just a touch of sweetness from the Esteli and Condega filler tobaccos.

Created by Master Blender Henke Kelner, the Davidoff Yamasa Cigars took 20 years of research, along with trial and error to get the blend just right. Made from the tobacco plants that are grown in the Yamasa region of the Dominican Republic, the Yamasa cigars produce a rich, elegant flavor that cigar lovers crave.

The Davidoff Yamasa Cigars offer cigar aficianados a stimulating new taste in cigars from a company that has specialized in creating some of the best flavors in the world. Enjoying a Davidoff Yamasa Cigar is a pleasurable experience that will be fully appreciated by those who know a great cigar when they taste it. According to Davidoff's master blender, this is the one they got right and Davidoff is proud to offer you the results of 20 years of hard work, the Davidoff Yamasa Cigars.


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