Marie Speaks God's Grace Exodus Tabernacle in the Home of God Part 3 HD 1080p

5 years ago

Go(o)d morning Children of the Most High God.
In this video we review more law from Our Father in Heaven.
How many are sadly misleading many Christians to commit treason unto God.
And How we as God's children, need to be prepared, stead fast on the word of God, and forsake the world.
God's Love is greater.
Blessings xoxo,

Blessings everyone,
May The Most High God Yahweh's blessings and grace be upon us all forever and ever in Yeshua Jesus Christ great name AMEN!!!

Being baptist is only the beginning.
Reading the Bible everyday and having daily honest conversation with Our Father in Heaven is progress.
Seeking God in all things, takes discipline.
Repenting, takes honesty and courage.
Fasting; takes patience and strength. (consult your healthcare professional)
Walking in expectancy; is walking in Faith
Living Righteously is not living to judge other, but living right with the word of God.
"Don't judge me"; is a common saying from those who wish to keep living in sin and don't like their sinful living being brought to light.
We all are not perfect, but we can try.
Blessings and have peace in God's Grace.

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