A Sin More Grievous Than the Sins of Sodom and Gomorrah (Matthew 10) – A daily devotional.

2 years ago

Matthew 10 marks a fundamental shift in Christ’s public ministry. The Twelve whom He had called to be disciples (lit. students, pupils, learners), Jesus now commissioned to be apostles (lit. one sent out). The disciples, now apostles, were commissioned to “Go” (10:5-7), and given two directives. 1) They were told where not to go, “Go not into the way [road; path; lifestyle] of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not” (10:5). 2) The second, they were told where (or rather to whom) to go: “Go rather to the lost [dying; bound for destruction] sheep of the house of Israel [Twelve Tribes; lineage of Jacob]” (10:6).

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