The Fires Will Not Prevail

1 year ago

The Fires Will Not Prevail

May 18, 2022

(Watch the Vimeo video)

Lord give us Your strength and protection; we cannot always stand upright. Grant us Your peace and faith which supports us in all danger. Amen.

Mother Clare began, "I am here Lord." --

"The fire will not harm this place because I am protecting it. So, I want you to be at peace and continue on with your work, which I am laboring with you. Yes, souls are the most important thing and your prayers are welcomed and powerful, but there are many pieces to this puzzle which must come together for My purposes. Stay alert and in prayer, there are many things happening now simultaneously in the world.

"Music is still very important with Me. Pass your messages onto Mother Elisabeth and return to it. Clare, beloved, please...this is Me. Haven't you been through enough trauma and stress that I would send a familiar spirit to give you a message of hope?? Is that My nature? Even taking into account your self-indulgences. I am for you, not against you.-- --

"I very much appreciate all your efforts to abstain, from everything, food and any other time-wasting indulgences. I take note of every effort and sacrifice, and these I will reward. And you know what I will reward it with. Oh, how I love you little one and I am so pleased with your assessment of yourself, and it is quite accurate. Yet you are My vessel unto honor, so it is what you carry that is so precious, and that you protect that blessed cargo, which will nourish the world. Your faults and shortcomings keep everything in balance. You are not your faults, but they are like a ballast to counterweight the load and keep you afloat. Can't you feel that truly I AM with you?"

"Yes Lord, I sense that but don't always feel that security."

"As long as you keep yourself in check and in reality, keeping your head down, even more and more each day, your sense of My presence will get keener. I am SO with you Clare and I long to give My little spouse REST so she can enter into My glory and make music for Me. That is so important, give your entire heart to this endeavor. I am with you, stop doubting. There comes a time when self-effacement is counterproductive because too much attention is given it. Each day grow in humility and understanding, but do not focus on your short comings but My wonderful mercy and grace, that I have chosen such a little one for this job."

"Thank You for insisting on the fast, it is really helping me recover who I want to be, in more ways than I can understand."

Jesus continued, "Why did We wait so long? That's a mystery in Heaven, waiting for you. Press in Beloved, press in. I am with you--and approve of your efforts with music. These I will bless and expand and give you the voice you long for. Just be faithful to work the plan.-- --

"And yes, you have stumbled upon the most important secret. This worship will revitalize all who participate. It is a key thing that has been missing. Tell those who are weighted down with worldly affairs pertaining to the Refuge, tell them for Me, "You will never understand, until Heaven, the powerful effect of worship, and how it so out-weights the loss of time. You all NEED this time with Me and I NEED this time with you. An hour is a goodly amount of time, unless you choose to go further and deeper within the confines of your duties.-- -- --

"Clare and all My beloved ones, there is no measure of value in anything to compare with worship. We need each other,--I need your love and you need Mine, in this glory cloud we come together and all of Heaven rejoices with us and every soul who is willing to make the sacrifice to search Me out and worship. There is simply nothing that can hold a candle to it. Enjoy as I sweep you off your feet and we dance in Heavenly joy!"

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