What is Deconditioning - Human Design System

5 years ago

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"Human Design says that we are binary consciousness and that the only way you’re going to be able to operate correctly in this life and fulfill the potential of your life is when you turn over the decision making responsibility to your vehicle and take it away from your mind.

This is the great challenge; it‘s the most enormous challenge that anyone faces in this life now.

It‘s not for everyone.

It really isn‘t, it never will be.

For the vast majority of humanity they will never be able to shake their not-self mind, they‘ll never be able to get rid it dominating their lives.

They won’t. It is an enormous challenge.

It is what we have been dependent on for so long.

But it’s a false God.

It belongs to an older species, to that seven-centered being that rose up above the beast, but not for us. It isn’t." Ra Uru Hu

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