Tyrant Troncoso Loses It. Needs To Be Physically Removed By Lieutenant. Salem PD

4 years ago

I went to Salem PD to pickup a records request for video of the Washington Street and Essex Street intersection the night I was retaliated against by Tyrant Regan. While leaving the station I was filming the officers and vehicles and had an interesting interaction with a new officer I haven't came across yet. It was very interesting and was even threatened with arrest or citation. Thank you for the support!! It is appreciated so much. Much Love, Respect and Appreciation!!!


#PhotographyIsNotACrime #1stAmendmentAudit #MassAccountability #PoliceThePolice #AlwaysFilmThePolice #FilmThePolice #FTP #AFTP #PINAC #KnowledgeIsPower #Salem #Beverly #Boston #Ipswich #Swampscott #Lynn #NorthShore #Mass #Massachusetts #KnowYourRights #BlueLinePrivilege #ThinBlueLinePrivilege #CopSucker #BootLicker #ThinBlueLine

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