Ep. 5046 – Philip Weiss on the Zionist Doctrine of the Trump Whitehouse – 8/26/2019

5 years ago

Scott interviews Philip Weiss about Israel’s occupation of Palestine and the way the Palestinian people have been completely deprived of their rights there. Weiss is glad that the recent fiasco around Rashida Tlaib’s and Ilhan Omar’s visit to Israel has brought publicity to the BDS movement, but is baffled that most Americans are either unaware of Israel’s gross abuses, or simply don’t care.

Philip Weiss is the long-time editor of Mondoweiss.net. Follow him on Twitter @PhilWeiss.

Check out the interview page here: https://libertarianinstitute.org/scotthortonshow/8-26-19-philip-weiss-on-the-zionist-doctrine-of-the-trump-whitehouse/

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