Garland Richards Shows Off His Historic Remington Model 1858 at Texas Independence Party

4 years ago

Garland Richards showed up to a Texas Independence Day Party in early March with a rare Remington revolver that would make even the most established collector blush with envy. Richards represents the Fort Chadbourne Museum in central Texas, and he was kind enough to show off one of the museums treasures. This Remington Model 1858 belonged to two-time Medal of Honor Recipient Frank D. Baldwin.

Though this gun was originally designed as a cap and ball revolver it was converted by Baldwin to fire cartridges, a nod to how much he enjoyed this gun. Baldwin served in the 19th Michigan Infantry unit and was awarded the Medal of Honor for his gallantry at the Battle of Peachtree Creek, Georgia. He showed bravery of the highest regard when he single-handedly broke through enemy lines to rescue two commissioned officers.

Not to be outdone by himself he was the recipient of a second Medal of Honor 10 years later when he led a surprise attack against the camp of Grey beard during the Indian Wars. During this attack he and his scout company disbanded a force of over 500 warriors and rescued two daughters of settlers who had been take hostage. He later fought in the Philippines in the Spanish-American War. Baldwin retired in 1906 as a brigadier general, but in 1915 he was advanced to Major General in the Army’s retired list.

To say this gun that Richards was showing us has seen some things and traveled the world over is an understatement. You can see his name engraved on the backstrap, a great piece of American history.

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