Can You Break Down Exactly How Bad It Is In Under 3 Minutes? #TrueTheVote #ItsUpToUs

1 year ago

Make our "Plan to Save the World" a reality! Tell a friend today!

Before you EVER donate money to another politician who will happily blow 3 TRILLION in 2 YEARS... we invite you to READ OUR PLAN: $10,000 per startup x 100 startups = $1M to unplug 3,000 patriots from the MATRIX. What if we had a BILLION? (That's 3 million patriots FREED) We spend hundreds of times this amount EVERY TWO YEARS on POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS but it turns out saving the world is NOT that expensive. It would ONLY take 3 trillion dollars to reboot the entire human population (9 Billion) of the planet this way! Wanna help save the world? Donate below or pack your bags and get your butt out here ASAP!$PatriotCamp
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