This 1988 Colt King Cobra Changed My Mind on Revolvers

3 years ago

Let me start this review by saying I was never a big wheelgun fan in the past. I should also clarify that I can count on two hands the number of different revolvers I’ve fired in my lifetime. I’ve shot newer models like the Colt Night Cobra and the older Smith & Wesson J-Frames. From what I remember, I just never liked the long double-action pull that is common with these defensive revolvers. This, paired with a smaller capacity than similarly-sized semi-auto pistols, has always turned me away from wheelguns.

However, when I got a chance to review an older model Colt King Cobra, I jumped at the opportunity. I’ve always heard great things about old Colt revolvers, and let’s just say this gun made me think twice about my stance on revolvers.

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