Roger Waters: Zelensky abandoned campaign platform that would have prevented Ukraine conflict

1 year ago

The Pink Floyd co-founder gave an interview to RT recently. Among other things, he said:
"Let us not forget that Zelensky was elected as the president of the Ukraine after the coup in 2014 on a platform of solidifying and adhering to the Minsk agreements, to Minsk II, and also agreeing to end the civil war that was already happening - it had been happening since 2014 and the illegal coup - and give self-government to the [Donetsk and Lugansk regions]. And, of course, the minute he was elected somebody put a gun to his head, I assume, and he changed his mind and didn't do any of that. 73% of Ukrainians who voted for him presumably wanted those agreements implemented so that they didn't have to have a war. And it could be stopped, in my opinion, tomorrow - all it needs is for the Americans to come to the table and say, "OK, let's go with the Minsk agreements," and then it would be over."

Full 36-minute interview:
What are the Minsk agreements?

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