Episode 13: High Road to Freedom | I Gave Up My Life to Find IT

1 year ago

Freedom comes to fruition when we realize the consciousness of Truth. We overcome the self-centered self and the resulting experiences.

Many of us spend lifetime climbing the proverbial ladders to realize what we perceive as success. We wear ourselves out trying to move mountains; we dodge pelts from slings and arrows. We created it all. To seek actually sets the stage for creation of the seeker who looks to find something that sets you free. And we know that the highest realization is not borne out of knowledge or experience. In fact, there is no self apart from consciousness. Truth is not pursued by seeking externally since Truth is already present in you as the highest level of your consciousness (beyond the mind).

To seek freedom means a search to find something. There was a fable that depicts man search for freedom. It was decided that since individuals abused the power of Truth, it would be taken from them and hidden in a place where they would never again find it. In considering where to hide it, there was thought given to burying individuals’ freedom of Truth deep in the earth. That idea was dismissed since individuals would dig into the earth and find it. Then, it was said that the divinity should be sunk into the deepest ocean. That did not seem appropriate as individuals would find a way to dive to the bottom of the deepest waters. Then, consideration was given to hiding it on the top of the highest mountains and again, the idea was dismissed. It was figured that every mountain would be climbed, it was concluded that there is no place “out there” in the earth or in the sea that individuals would eventually not reach. It was finally decided that Truth would be hidden deep within each of us; for it was determined that no one would ever think to look for it there. Yet, we know it is in us which is the premise of the Infallible Way as we realize the awakened Self.

Freedom comes to fruition when we realize the consciousness of Truth. We overcome the self-centered self and the resulting experiences. As the allegory depicts, the highest potential is already present in each of us. It arises the moment we overcome all separateness from the whole of God. Your true essence is that you are not the seeker; you are the sought as it is in you, as you and beyond you. Then, we realize true Freedom.

You open to limitless fulfillment. Propelled to share joyfully, abundantly, and fully, your capacity abounds by way of pure Love. Although many of us learn that our security stems from what we create of our mind and all we amass, from Truth, you know you do not Know since you express from a consciousness of the Unknown. That old insecure foundation has been transformed to the only true security. It is beyond imagination of the mind. You know that you are alone because you realize that there is no separation. You are alone as you are all One with the Whole of God; you are never lonely. You have done your work to overcome being a victim and rise above power, control, and manipulation. You transform resistance to realize Freedom of Truth that stems from the purest consciousness.

Does that mean that your Truth denies connection with others? No, you are beyond denials as well as approvals. In Truth, there is no duality. You are One with the Whole of God. No longer playing roles, freedom exists with others and that means you co-exist with others, in a community, or in a sharing relationship with another. You join in a union of Truth where there is no reliance, no demands, no wants. There is unconditional love that is freedom to share for the joy of sharing all you are and being together. You are together to share your respective completeness not to feel complete because you are together.

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