“善良的”基督徒的结局是地狱(Warningthepeople)"Good" Christians End in Hell

1 year ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/i9YPOlcBsE0

2022年8月13日 Warningthepeople

https://www.youtube.com/c/warningthepeople如果你想要联系Andrew弟兄,请发邮件到warningthepeople1@gmail.com 个人网页: WWW.WARNINGTHEPEOPLE.COM

耶稣谈到法利赛人就像粉饰过的坟墓,外面看起来很干净,但里面却充满了死人的骨头。许多基督徒就是这样,表面上他们在教会中、在社区中、在别人面前表现得很好。 他们没有在外面咒骂上帝,也使用污言秽语,他们没有随便和人上床......他们所做的一切都显得非常中肯,他们在社区广受好评,但这并不意味着他们在耶稣基督面前是正直的,事实上许多基督徒是善于演戏的伪君子,他们在暗地里服侍撒旦,但表面上,他们在社区里,在你眼前,他们所有的事都做得很好,是个好人,善良的基督徒。 我想警告你,这一类人最终的结局是地狱。 不仅仅是那些被抓到通奸、偷窃、吸毒、喝酒和一直参加聚会宴乐的世俗之人,那些生活在双重标准下的基督徒,是假冒伪善的人, 除非我们内心纯洁,与耶稣基督有正确的关系,否则我们就会像世上其他人一样,正在通往地狱的路上。 确保你不被基督徒们欺骗。 这不在于在人前表现得好,而是为耶稣基督行善,有他的圣灵在你里面,每天为他活出公义和纯洁。 今天你否认自己,背起你的十字架来跟随他,服从他了吗? 或者你只是像法利赛人一样,试图在人面前表现出良好的样子? 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

Jesus talked about the Pharisees being like whitewashed tombs, on the outside they appear to be clean, but on the inside, they are full of dead man’s bones. Many Christians are like this, on the outside they appear good in their church, in the community, and to others. They are not outwardly cursing God, or using profane language, they are not sleeping around… Everything that they do can appear very professional and they can be good to do people in the community, but this does NOT mean that they are right before Jesus Christ, and in fact many Christians are playing the hypocrite and secretly they are serving Satan, but outwardly when they are in the community our around you, they do everything to appear that they are well to do and good people, good Christians. I want to warn you that these sorts of people also end in hell. It is not just worldly people who are caught in adultery, or stealing or on drugs or drinking and at parties all the time, but it is Christians who are living a double standard, who are living as hypocrites. Unless we are pure on the INSIDE and right with Jesus Christ, we will be walking our way to hell just like the rest of the world is. Make sure that you don’t let Christians deceive you. It’s NOT about appearing GOOD before MEN, but it is about DOING GOOD FOR JESUS CHRIST, having His Holy Spirit in you, and living for Him, upright and pure every single day. Are you denying yourself, picking up your cross to follow Him and obey Him today? Or are you just like a Pharisee, trying to appear good on the outside before men? May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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