Sheriff NAILS IT!!!!

2 years ago

There are still great, constitutional sheriffs out there. And it is their duty to not enforce any unconstitutional laws or mandates that come down the pike from our government. They need to protect the people, not accommodate tyrannical orders from our criminal government.

Please share this far and wide!!!!! Share it with your local sheriff. Get involved! I am meeting with my local Sherriff this week!!! Start meeting your sheriffs and telling them of the crimes that are being committed against your children in schools. They have taken millions of dollars in ESSER funds and in the meantime have committed crimes against humanity. Forced them to wear masks, and provided masks with poison in it. Child abuse. In so many ways. Unconstitutional contact tracing. The use of PCR tests that are fake and don’t work. which also has poison in it that can cause brain cancer. Many symptoms have been caused due to the mask wearing with children psychologically and physically. It’s disgusting.

Stand in the truth and trust God!

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