Colorado 2022 SOS primary election fraud La Plata County level tally not added to grand tally

1 year ago

Colorado June 28th 2022 SOS primary election fraud La Plata County level tally not added to grand tally. 8.15 pm local Colorado time.

Grand Tally
Anderson 196,736 - 196,736 Addition 0

O'Donnell 131,243 - 131,243 Addition 0

Peters 118,836 - 118,836 Addition 0

La Plata County level tally
Anderson 2,887 - 4,263 Addition 1,376 ( not added to grand tally )

O'Donnell 1398 - 2232 Addition 834 ( not added to grand tally )

Peters 1382 - 2069 Addition 687 ( not added to grand tally )

Total La Plata County level votes not added to grand tally votes 2,897

I have had to try to cobble together the info from recordings from two different screens so sorry for the poor production level. Unfortunately I hadn't picked a site with county level readouts for the rest of the Colorado election and the attorney general isnt shown so I cant do a proper statistical probability assesment as to where it was sent to and can only guess and surmise that part. What I can tell you though with 100% proof positive certainty is that votes were definately added at the La Plata County level, they were definately not added at the grand tally level and they were definately sent 'somewhere else'. I start the vid off by opening up the two vids with different players circling the time and date areas and play time postion to show they are the same and in sync. I also show the prior grand tally addition with anderson going from 195k to 196k, the grand tally totals for candidates being prior and a total of 2980 and from another county tally and then at the end of the vid you see that I have to scroll ten min forward to the next addition which is only a 662 total and again obviously not that tally and from another county. I did that because there is always some election steal denier pathological liar criminal or other that will try to say some tosh like it was just delayed or something, well that shows that the answer is nope, never happened never got there, nada, zilch, went 'somewhere else' . Heidi of the Gov race got an increase of 1,719 and Joe from the Senate Gop race got an increase of 1567 making total for the both of 3,286 meaning they could have just had a few hundred votes and had the la plata votes added and indeed heidi just got a few hundred in the next increment so looks like the most likely, but like I said I cant say with any statistacal probability with this one like I could Arizona. Or it could , less likely, have all gone back to anderson later over time? maybe? dont know? But as I already said, what I can tell you with 100% proof positive certainty is that the 2897 la plata votes didn't go to the grand tally like they were supposed to and went 'some where else'. Normally of course the main beneficairy would be Jena Griswold like Katie Hobbs in Arizona and will be in Nov just like hobbs griswold and 'the big guy' were in 2020. But they all appear to have run 'unopposed' in the same way that mr putin or an orginised mobster crime boss might perhaps? ( bang bang? ) how very queer :/.....
The grand tally obviously is computer algorithm generated fantasy and you can if you wish automate it at the county level and operate it all from anywhere in the world if you wish but I think you will find that it has operatives on the ground and makes more logistical sense doesnt it and real voting on the day is fluid and unpredictible and needs the human intuition touch sometimes . you have to go back and forth and fish out the reject ajudication ballots and direct operations and such dont you. If the case of heidi and such is the one then that occured with the 195k-196k anderson increment and the la plata county steal happend just 19 secs later. That is too fast for a guy with a calculator and a fisherprice abacus isnt it, the algiorithm is relaying instructions on the screen to be followed for manual adjustment and actions. I evidence that with things like the la vid footage where you can see the Silhouettes of guys infront of squares which looks like they are at a computer screen, and computer calculations are electrical impulses travling fixed unchanging circut pathways time after time after time.... I challenge anyone to input the same equation into a computer one thousand times and see if they ever get a different result outside of human input error. once you transfer votes from one place to another or add in fake votes you have to bring down selected calculated counties percentages or it will make go screwey and will start to be noticed at the grand tally level wont it.

They missed some didnt they.
more votes added after 100% of precincts had already reported.

They 'effed' it up didnt they
grand tally votes counted reduced from 98.1% to 92.9%

It automatically went to win with the addirtion but the addition didnt go there did it so they had to manually adjust it back to just in the lead didnt they. went from 93.8% to 100% with votes added and then was taken back down to 93.8% later
went from in the lead to won back to just in the lead again

I said probably brain defective antifa recriut operative types but I also remember mention of dominion having their operatives there and having their own offices set up ( and not allowing camara's... mmmm :/ ) so could be a case of being on own during day and maybe a bit rushed and running around if maga voters sticking it to them good ands might have a lot of stupid people asking a lot of stupid questions looking for stupid prizes and distracting him perhaps? doesnt generally tend to hapen much on the domninion night cheat shift I have noticed.

mmmmm :/

mmmmm :/

mmmm :/

mmmm :/

Outside manager appointed to oversee Pueblo primary after ballot ...
While an investigation is still ongoing, Secretary Jena Griswold’s office has already concluded that about 1,600 voters’ ballots were missing a commissioner’s race, while ballots for one precinct...

mmmmm :/

Colorado Vote By Mail's Uncounted Ballots ... - Colorado Public Radio
Now, the election process is happening inside people’s homes, out of view of elections officials and mistakes are leading tens of thousands of mail ballots to be rejected, uncured

mmmm :/

error logic test reveals 53% machine error rate in colorado

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