Angela Box Goes Scorched Earth at the HISD Meeting 8-11-22

2 years ago


I’m Angela Box and I’m a former HISD teacher.

Hats off to this Board and the Useful Idiot eunuchs from Houston AFT for continuing the mask hoax. Well done, Clown World!

First, last, and always: YOU ARE LEFTISTS. That’s why you push so hard to NORMALIZE pornography, drag queens, gender dysphoria, racism, illegal immigration, masks, vaccines, and the lie of manmade climate change. So much grooming, so little time.

You claim to want safe schools but won’t fund campus cops or armed staff.

Instead, you sent teachers to Oregon to learn how to make MORE excuses as to why black children are failing in your system – aka, CRITICAL RACE THEORY.

There are massive teacher vacancies, yet Crocket Elementary wants to hire A MARIACHI TEACHER.

This superintendent makes $450,000 a year -- not including $10,000 EXTRA a month he gets for his car, phone, and house.



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