Fighting DEVILS for Lost SOULS! (2019 FLASHBACKS PT 1)

4 years ago

This has been a great year in the Harvest field. We faced much opposition at all angles but in retrospect we see it was all God ordained. The conversions were many. When we sow in one spot we reap in another. The Word of God is true: "Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days."- Ecclesiastes 11:1

We also received back many testimonies of people who have heard the teachings and preachings and got delivered from their drug addictions, porn addictions and pre-marital sex. God spoke to them through the preaching and they overcame by the Word of God and got delivered. The feedback has been abundant. We have a testimony page on our website that shows the Glory of God working through the ministry.

Many have come to the knowledge of the Truth and have been baptized into Jesus Christ. Some have been re-baptized as they now know the Truth of the Name above all names. Others have returned and given us feedback that God blessed them with the Holy Ghost!
God is still pouring out His Spirit, Amen!

All the supporters who have blessed this ministry with prayers, we thank you. All the supporters who have blessed this ministry financially, we thank you as well. That is how the body of Christ moves, through the assistance of the members of the Church.

It is essential that if we see those in the body of Christ laboring in the Gospel that we support them accordingly. "Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel." -1 Corinthans 9:14. We never intended to do so much travel and to preach at so many places. We initially intended to just preach "once in a while" but as we moved along God kept opening doors and leading us to more places. He also gave us feedback from many people that they were being delivered through the preaching and teachings. This compelled us to move further into this Labor.

By your continued help we can reach more people in more places.
Keep the faith in Jesus... And keep fighting the Good fight till the end!


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