Let Your Site Generate Maximum Profit for Minimum Effort

1 year ago

No minimum website
traffic required
Once you decide that you are ready to turn your ad space into gold, you can proceed with the installation of RevenueHits ad code on your website, which is very intuitive. RevenueHits uses advanced algorithms to research and examines the ways to place the ads with the goal of continually improving their performance and will not show ads that do not perform well. This means that RevenueHits will offer you an inventory comprised solely of high-performing ads that are relevant to your visitors, which helps with conversion rates and, consequently, revenue generation.

Access to Varied

Having access to varied ad inventory will make the placement of these ads easier. These can range from text ads to shadow box, video ads or GIFs. As there is no universal guarantee regarding future performance of a particular ad type, you’ll want to have access to as many of them as possible. In this manner, you’ll be better equipped for field testing involving all of them and finding out what works best for your blog.


Anyone who monetizes their website is aware of the scourge that is called the ad-blocker. RevenueHits has long fought this menace for publishers, believing in the old unwritten rule that the internet is free because advertising is paying the bills. That is why at the beginning of 2017, we launched our proprietary anti-pop-adblocker, which seamlessly circumvents any ad-blocking software, displays the pop ads you place to your visitors and restores your revenue levels.

Desktop Interstitial

At RevenueHits, we specialize in helping you maintain the high quality of your site through tailored and seamlessly integrated advertisement experiences. With our Desktop Interstitials, your website gets a unique monetization method timing ads to appear at the right time when viewers are most likely to engage. The significantly optimized conversion strategy results in higher ad revenues for you, as advertisers are willing to pay more for full-page ads with high engagement rates.

Clean payment practices

Speaking of transparency, another area of the ad network business you want to put under your magnifying glass is their record of clear payment practices. Bearing in mind the importance of clean payment practices in successful monetization of your blog, RevenueHits offers flexible pricing models as well as equally verifiable degrees of their transparency. In addition to this, we give you access to various payment/withdrawal options you can use as you prefer. These include PayPal, Payoneer, wire transfer and even Bitcoin.

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