The Justinian Deception. Admiralty Law. Communism. Living in the Matrix.

2 years ago

The Justinian Deception and the Beast System. What is the Beast System? Who is the Beast? Who created and funded Communism? How do we know who serves the Beast System? What is the Roman Birth Certificate System? Why are most people corporations that are ruled under Admiralty Law? What does all this have to do with the activities of the infamous Maxwell and Epstein intelligence officers and spies? What is the Matrix? Are we living inside the Matrix now?

Advisory: The sound may need to be adjusted top or down during this presentation due to technical difficulties. Thank your for your patience.

Today's podcast addresses these questions and many more. Please always research this information and come to your own conclusions. My goal is to offer an historical foundation to support my assertions about the Masonic Birth Certificate System, its agents, and the long term goals of the Vatican to help my viewers understand the construct of the world we live in right now.

Other video's on this channel that pertain to this content:

Inflation, the Fed, and You:

An Introduction to the Financial System. Who Controls the Money?

A very special thank you to the creators of the channels below. Thier hard work exploring these topics is greatly appreciated and they're research made a contribution to the content on this channel.

Retired Intelligence Officer Robert Horton - War Castles. The Masonic Birth Certificate System. Available on YouTube.

Amazing Discoveries with Walter Veith:

The Justinian Deception:

Michelle XX on You Tube.

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