It’s just an illusion.

2 years ago

🦋 Montreal, Quebec ⚜️

August 9, 2022

Meeting #40

Today I decided to avoid the signs and not listen to the Universe.

It didn’t make any difference. The signs are always there.

The walls are closing in.

I’m coming for all of you.

Call and see for yourselves.

Toronto: 808-8080

Montreal: 393-1133

Don’t expect them to cooperate.

#globalnewsmontreal #globalnewsto
#tvanouvelle #montrealgazette #citynewsmontreal #cjad800 #lejournaldemontreal #GlobalNews #RebelNews #mtlblog #Justice #Montreal #Quebec #LavalPolice #MontrealPolice #freemasonry #iluminati #OntarioPolice #FakeNews #corruption #parentalalienation #missing #BigMistake #Father #Daughter #FlatEarth #Bixi #IGAgrocerystore #STMinfo

You are a very bad GoodChild.

I know your watching.

I want you to watch.

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