Medical Cost Sharing (Health Plans) are Exploding. Should you consider making the move?

2 years ago

Jeff Kanter – COO Association Health Partners

As traditional Health Insurance continues to escalate in price, it is becoming more and more unaffordable for Americans – individuals and businesses alike. When the Affordable Care Act was launched, many got exposed to the concept (and option) of Health Sharing Ministries for the first time. As opposed to traditional insurance, members of a health sharing organization contribute regular monthly payments to a “pool” – from which any and all member medical expenses, like claims, get paid.

Because so many people have been happy with these Medical Cost Sharing plans – in large part because they can cost half as much as traditional insurance while providing similar or even better benefits – they have continued to grow in popularity. Today, there are a vast array of health-sharing choices available that services millions of members nationwide. In fact, the industry has matured to the point that a national trade association is called for as well as a health sharing exchange – one that will mirror

Join us and learn about the recently launched National Health Care Sharing Association and the health sharing buying exchange. As the face of healthcare keeps changing, look to health sharing plans and organizations like these to take it to the next level.

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