What-s Up Prof - Episode 128 - The Greatest Commandment by Walter Veith & Martin Smith

2 years ago

Full Title: What-s Up Prof - Episode 128 - Pro-LifePro-Choice-The Significance Of The 3 Angels- Messages by Walter Veith & Martin Smith

Episode 128: The hosts clarify their position on issues of sin. It has come to their attention that there are thoughts going around regarding the way they presented the Roe vs Wade reversal(see https://rumble.com/v1d578d-what-s-up-prof-ep125-warsroe-vs-wadehegelian-dialectic-by-walter-veith-and-.html), that they are actually pro-abortion. In this discussion they clarify this and other misconceptions. They make it clear why they concentrate on the 3 Angels' messages, and how that encompasses all sin issues.

It is all about the Greatest Commandment.

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With Thanks to ClashOfMinds for permitting the redistribution of this material via The Loud Cry on rumble and via Truth and Peace on YouTube.

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