Who Is Judge Bruce Reinhart?

2 years ago

As if the news were hand delivered from the land of "You Can’t Make This Up", we now know that it was a notably anti-Trump judge that approved the search warrant on the former President’s Florida residence.
This same Judge Bruce Reinhart who signed the search warrant for the FBI to search the former President’s Mar-A-Lago property previously recused himself from a case involving President Trump v. Hillary Clinton because his objectivity could be called into question.
Just two months ago, Judge Reinhart cited a U.S. law that states a judge “shall” recuse himself: “Where he has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party.” We now know in 2017 Judge Reinhart posted an anti-Trump rant on his personal Facebook page, which he has conveniently removed, but not before others took screen grabs.
So despite the fact that two months ago, this judge said he could not in good faith preside over a civil case filed by President Trump because he could not remain impartial, but now somehow he had no problem signing a warrant authorizing an unannounced raid seemingly meant to do little more than embarrass and discredit a former U.S. President. He had to know this would come out. The problem is this time, he wasn’t worried about it. As my brother Logan Sekulow pointed out, it’s not uncommon for these types of local magistrates to want to come across as some kind of hero, looking for their 15 minutes of fame.
That is not how justice prevails, folks. That is how democracy dies. That is shredding the Constitution, twisting the law, and forcing a personal agenda. But we know the Left and especially the Deep State FBI has no compunction about falsifying or embellishing evidence, or making it up entirely, to obtain a warrant. They will break the rules. They’ve done it before. Enough is enough. It is time for this wanton FBI corruption to be ferreted out now.
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast includes further in-depth discussion of this latest bombshell regarding the raid on President Trump’s home, including more with my dad Jay Sekulow, Ric Grenell, and the Chief Financial Officer of the State of Florida Jimmy Patronis, who had strong words about the unjust raid on President Trump’s home by federal agents in his state that you need to hear.

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