07.31.22 "Sacred Freedom"

2 years ago

I like talking about freedom and do so regularly. It is one of the most popular concepts in ACIM. There are 650 instances of “freedom,” “free,” freed” or some other derivation of the word in ACIM. By comparison “forgive" or “forgiveness" beats it only slightly with 699 occurrences. As important as it must be, I see very few ACIM teachers talking about it. Freedom is so important, maybe even sacred, because we all need to freely choose to fulfill our Divine function. "Spirit am I, a holy Son of God, free of all limits, safe and healed and whole, free to forgive, and free to save the world." (OrEd.WkBk.97.9) We are living in a time when our outer manifestations of freedom (freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly) is being challenged by many large societal institutions. Are we ready to side with freedom and be a strong advocate for it the way ACIM guides us to? Let’s continue having the important discussion about freedom and the ACIM student. 26 min. SUBSCRIBE & SHARE

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