WND Exclusive - The Squeeze is On

1 year ago

by: Brent Smith

On CNN last Sunday, one of Washington's senior Democrat scumbags, Richard Blumenthal, said with a straight face, that one good thing that hiring 87,000 more agents will do is, "the IRS will have resources it needs to go after the 1%."

I guess that's to go along with the three quarters of $1 million they just spent on guns and ammo. Building an army are they?

Now really Richard. Is that what is going to happen you weasel? I mean, we now have to believe that the IRS has wanted to go after the evil one percent forever, but just hasn't had the resources. Really? That's what we are supposed to believe?

And less I forget to mention that the IRS budget is now going to balloon by an additional $80 billion. But only to crack down on "wealthy tax evaders."

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