5 years ago

Mike Balloun teaches on 09-14-2019.

VERSES: Romans 8:1-18, 11; Titus 3:5-6; Galatians 3:10, 4:21-5:4

STUDY NOTES: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/m9et9wfqvar3tfd/AADTD5vhnNZ-2keJMFucMgXxa?dl=0

AUDIO: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wf22gp4wpiof1gq/AAAYgUe6RT7nsFvKFjlrvUJfa?dl=0

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Having spoke of the duality of God’s Salvation plan, in that He has two peoples, both being discovered in the Promise to Abraham, quite different one from the other. And that which separates them chiefly is the acceptance of the Messiah Jesus Christ. And correspondingly, there are differences in Covenants based upon different principles of holiness. The Mosaic Law Covenant, with justice being its principle and Grace (i.e. God’s influence upon the heart by the Holy Spirit) being the principle of the other. The one has an earthly calling; the other a heavenly calling (Hebrews 3:1). Their standing before God is different, their destinies are different. They have different promises with different sanctuaries, services, rites and priesthoods. The Old skin suits the Old Covenant wine but Christ puts the wine of the New Covenant in new skins. If we are to mix the New Wine in the Old Skins, we would ruin them both. “But new wine must be put into new bottles; and both are preserved.” Both Covenants: the Old Mosaic and the New Covenant in Christ stand alone, independent from each other.

Now all men are born under the Law of God, that being the law of the Garden of Eden, as all men are born into Adam as his seed. And therefore all men are subject to his cursing for disobedience of that Law; that being physical and spiritual death.
We men of Adam have received by faith, Christ Jesus the 2nd Adam, Who, being the Seed of God, was not born under the Law of Adam. But He was on the 8th day circumcised under the Law of Moses and in His 33rd year falsely crucified under its Law, being unworthy of death, being resurrected by God, Who thereby destroyed the works of the devil, and fulfilled or brought to completion that part of the ancient Written Torah. And He was appointed Redeemer of all mankind. All who then receive Him by faith as Saviour are thereby enlisted in the Covenant of Grace and are free from that Law of the curse of spiritual death inherent from the Garden Law (Romans 5:8-21), having their spirits regenerated unto eternal life. And additionally, being also free from any obligation to keep the Mosaic Law and thereby free from its curse (Galatians 2:19, 3:6-14). Christ’s commands are now our Law (Galatians 6:2) “…for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.” [Matthew 23:8]

* They were given to the 12 tribes of Israel. They are the only ones to whom they were given (albeit the whole of mankind have benefited from them).
* Observance of the Mosaic Law would allow Israel to realize the blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant (that which Christ fulfilled/completed). For obedience there would be blessings (the fullness of Christ received), and for disobedience, cursing (Deuteronomy 28-30).
* The Mosaic Law is administered in the “letter” whereas in contrast the Gospel of Jesus Christ is ministered in the spirit. “Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.” [2nd Corinthians 3:6]
Nevertheless “The law (of Moses) is holy, and the commandment is holy and just, good. …We know that the law is spiritual….” [Romans 7:12,14]

However, the Law of Moses, and its demand for ridged observance unto righteousness is to be temporary, as comprehended in Romans 7:1-6 where, the Mosaic Law is typed as the strict unyielding first husband, having guided and revealed his wife into the knowledge of her woeful and justly condemned state. …The wife wishing to be set free from her most impossible state associated with her marriage, impossible in that her condemning husband shall never die…but lo and behold she now passes away (so it is seen that the principal of Law is that it holds one until death, and is typical and symbolic in baptismal submersion (Romans 6:3-4). She has “died,” completely freeing her from her first husband and she now takes the Messiah as her new husband (no spiritual polygamy), as she rises from the “dead” in newness of life, completely free from the condemnation of her first husband, now in the New Covenant grace of Christ . She’s under “…a better covenant, (abundant grace and mercy) which was established upon better promises.” (Romans 7:1-14 with Hebrews 8:6b) The Law of Moses was never intended to continue to rule over the wife, in that He could neither justify her nor sanctify her, a work only to be done by....

DOWNLOAD COMPLETE STUDY NOTES: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/m9et9wfqvar3tfd/AADTD5vhnNZ-2keJMFucMgXxa?dl=0

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