All About Emes, Separate from the Nation's, The Match, Peah, Growing Emunah through Shemittah

2 years ago

The truth about the truth part 1 by Rabbi Ephraim Eliyahu Shapiro on behalf the Sefas Tamim Foundation. from the Yates Ne'eman 13 Nissan 5781 (March 26, 2021)
Weekly D'var Torah Parshat Kedoshim by Rabbi Chaim Kaluszyner. from Torah times April 21, 2021
Parshat Acharei most - Kedoshim The Match by Y. Levenstein. from the Boro Park View April 21, 2021
Weekly D'var Torah Parshat Emor by Rabbi Chaim Kaluszyner. Torah times April 28, 2021
Parshat Behar-Bechukosai Growing Emunah by Y. Levenstein. from the Boro Park View May 5, 2021
Premiered in YouTube First Jun 8, 2021

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