Modernize Your Systems With Tech-Savvy Mobile and Web Applications

1 year ago

Successful businesses don’t just happen. They are made by the smart work of consistently learning what customers need, then promptly meeting those needs.

Think of poor experiences you’ve had, waiting for an order or even just a status update. Slow communication is annoying at best and unacceptable at worst, potentially causing great loss. When clients are made to wait, unable to get real-time work-in-progress reports, they’re tempted—sometimes forced—to seek better options.

The competition has a streamlined, web-enabled interface, allowing easy input and output. Customers don’t waste time, neglecting other critical tasks, because they can easily access the information needed to make timely decisions.

Stakeholders—suppliers and employees—need mobile, user-friendly applications that will eliminate redundancy and streamline workflows. Investors want to see you using resources wisely, handling data securely, meeting deadlines and exceeding customers’ expectations.

Waiting to modernize your software systems is very risky business. Proactive business leaders don’t sit back while the competition advances. Let ERW Custom Programming help you transform your business with tech-savvy custom software solutions.

We are Visual FoxPro experts, converting and supporting all versions of FoxPro from FoxBase to Visual FoxPro 9. We convert Visual FoxPro to C#.NET with either a Microsoft SQL or MySQL database. We’ve also worked extensively in dBase II, dBase III and Clipper. We have many automatic conversion tools and can also provide quality support for your existing custom Visual FoxPro program.

Good isn’t enough. Become great. Custom software applications can transform the way you do business.

ERW Custom Programming—call (248) 683-4182 or visit

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