Sugar is not Sugar. But Politics is all over this Fat/Carb issue

1 year ago

If a calorie is not a calorie, and protein is not protein, then can it be that Sugar is not Sugar?
So when is Sugar not a sugar?
Does sugar really make you obese? And how much, and in what state?

Why do incorrect ideas about health persist?"
Here's an answer from Joseph Everett from "What I've learned":
"When you have people who are very respected, and they’ve written books saying the same thing for 30 to 40 years, it’s not easy or in their interest to come out and say, “I was wrong.”

Did the person who started the protein-combining myth ever come out and say, “I was wrong"? Actually YES. Frances Moore Lappé DID say that. But Joseph Everett from "What I've Learned" didn't bother to look into all sides of the issue before putting 25 hours work into his video. WIL was more interested in B-roll footage of steak and lentils.

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