Best Trading Strategy - 0DTE Podcast #014 - I'll keep asking

3 years ago

0DTE strategies with options for the S&P have become very popular with traders over the past year or so. New services are gaining attention, and for good reason. The profit making potential of selling premium on the last day of expiration on options with the biggest stock index in the world is exciting. And to be able to do that 3 times a week is super exciting.

But there's a BIG difference between the strategies the various service use, and this service, a HUGE, no GARGANTUAN difference between our strategy and service and all the others. The difference is they have huge risks with small returns, and we have super small risks with huge returns. And in addition to that, we win way more often than they do. So, really there is no real difference, our oDTE strategy and service is in a league of its own

Watch this video to find out how and why this strategy is the best, most profitable, least stressful strategy for traders, better then day trading, swing trading, better than technical analysis, better the Fibonacci...simply the best trading strategy period!

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