Trusdx build for W5SRA ham club

1 year ago

Refer to

This is a walk-thru of the build for the acclaimed QRP radio by DL2MAN. Not shown is the time involved in wrapping the toroids. Pay attention to polarity.

In addition to the instructions on DL2MAN's web site, these tips will help you install your completed radio's firmware.

avrdude is the cross platform program that makes arduino firmware programming possible. On Windows, use AVRDUDESS via the link on the web site.

On the Mac:
Assuming you use [brew], a package manager for the Mac similar to Ubuntu's [apt], find the usb serial device(plug in your radio to the USB port)
# brew install lsusb
# lsusb
# ls /dev/cu.*

# brew install avrdude
# avrdude -c arduino -p m328p -b 115200 -P /dev/cu.usbserial-1420 -U ./(your signed firmware file).hex

Your USB serial device may vary.

On Ubuntu:
I haven't tested this but use [apt] instead of [brew]. lsusb is already a command on the Ubuntu command line.

# lsusb# ls /dev/*
It is up to you to figure out the device. Worst case, it will be a tty.

# apt install avrdude# avrdude -c arduino -p m328p -b 115200 -P /dev/(some device) -U ./(your signed firmware file).hex

More videos with this radio?
Comment if you want to see the CAT programming of this radio.
Also like of you want to see an antenna connected.

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