Protest the raid of Mar-a-Lago!

2 years ago

I’m calling for lawful first amendment protests! We cannot allow the psychological warfare operation of January 6 to traumatize us and never protesting again anymore. And that’s probably why they did it, partly. Americans, get your flags and get your picket signs and go out and protest. I don’t care where you do it just go and do it. And the answer is that you have to police yourselves, not at your place in yourselves because American patriot conservative maga people And people on our side are not committing crimes they are not being violent they’re not being bad they’re actually being so polite and model citizens. It’s the bad guys that are doing something bad, if you see somebody doing something off-color or unlawful that’s an instant sign that they are antifa that their agent provocateurs that they’re red herrings that they are false flag that they are incognito impersonators dressing up like trump supporters so they can cause trouble. So you need to police yourselves bye being the bouncers, you have to be the deacon in the bouncer and you have to do the citizens arrest and you have to escort these people out of the midst Of your protest because they don’t belong there and they are not part of your side they’re not part of your protest they’re Impersonators and imposters and enemy soldiers in the middle of your protest to try and disrupt it and cause crime and then make you look bad. So if you see somebody causing crime and disruption or doing something is really wrong, you need to police your own protests. The protesters need to police themselves that is, if you see antifa BLM or any Pastor, you just have to escort them out and if necessary citizen arrest them or something just you gotta deal with it. So you have to police your own protest from infiltrators. That’s your job and that’s how we’re gonna handle it because it’s so easy to see the bad guys. The way they act, it instantly reveals them. You should go with a friend or two or three and you should be a squad and that way you know each other and you can back up each other story and you can Hey care of each other, and you know it doesn’t matter where does protest happens it could be seven blocks away doesn’t matter as long as the protest is happening and people are seeing it. If they chase you from one spot just go to a new spot. But the most important thing is have a definite ending.. It doesn’t matter when it starts but you have to have a very definite end and then in a span of minutes you just whoosh and vanish like Batman and then they can’t attack you. The leadership of the protest needs to have a definite ending., You don’t have to disclose the ending. But then you need to widely announce it so that everybody knows that the event is over and then everybody will just quickly go home. Then they don’t get to have the pleasure of beating you up or something like the Canadian police did to the truckers. You have all your rights. So go out there and protest. What we can learn from Hong Kong, the truckers, and January 6 is this: have a definite ending. When you’re just gonna say the event is over and just scatter to the winds, When the event is over just disappear like batman, If they don’t want you to be in one spot just moved to a different spot, as a large group just pull up your tent stakes and protest somewhere else. You can turn your stationary protest into a march in any direction. It doesn’t have to be next to a capital building it can be anywhere as long as the protest is happening. Finally you need to police yourselves because infiltrators cannot be allowed to intermix among you anymore than wedding crashers or bank robbers should be allowed to hang out at weddings or banks! You are the patriot Americans, that’s your protest, if you see somebody being disruptive or illegal or unlawful or doing something bad like antifa or BLM or dare I say it a deep state red herring infiltrator, just escort them out and police them and if necessary play some other citizens arrest or otherwise be the bouncer and make sure they get out. Don’t allow them to continue to walk around among you, and it’s not enough to yell at them, if they have a Nazi flag attack the Nazi flag and rip it out of her hands and burn the Nazi flag and film it and put the film of burning the Nazi flag on the internet. Rip down and burn their Confederate flag because the confederate flag is the Democrat party flag of the Confederacy which is the Democrat party. It’s not enough to tell the infiltrator to get lost with his stupid flag, he is literally performing a false flag psychological warfare operation. You have to attack the flag rip it down and burn it and there will be nothing they can do, film the burning of the wicked flag put it on the Internet and say this is what our movement is about, we are anti-Nazi we are anti-confederate we are anti-racism because we love America and Trump in Jesus. You have to police are on protests, if you see agitators and agent provocateurs pretending to dress up like you pretending to join you, but trying to get everybody to go do something illegal, they are the enemy and they are the infiltrator and you have to police them you have to escort them out you have to make sure they leave you have to expose them and you have to remove them you have to citizens arrest them you have to call the cops you have to oppose them you have to police your protest and lawfully innocently deal with the situation and you have to just shut them down because they are trying to destroy you and the movement in the country and they are criminals. You can do a citizens arrest if you physically directly witness a misdemeanor, or if you have Suspicion or evidence of a felony. You are allowed to do with the proud boys did, and remove violent agitators or criminal agitators that were disrupting events. If they are trying to disrupt the event, commit crime, or do violence or anything else, then they are not really protesting they are committing criminal activity and they’re trying to attack your first amendment right. They have a right to protest against you, they have a right to counter protest, they don’t have the right to infiltrate your protest pretend to dress up like you and then attack you were cause trouble. That is a crime against your first amendment right and it is a felony. It’s actually a felony, so what the infiltrators who attack Trump events are doing is a felony against the first amendment, so you have the right to police them too. You have to take care of your own protest. Police are not gonna do it. If those assholes are walking around in the middle of your protest causing trouble, you have to be the immune system. Everybody who’s at the protest needs to be the immune system, not just one select group, everybody needs to be immune system. And if they have a bad flag you rip that flag down you take away their flag pole you burn that flag and they just lost their flag and you film the burning of the flag, because we burn Nazi flags and we burn anarchist or hateful or racist flags or whatever they’re gonna bring. Tolerate false flags and they’re not allowed to enter and disrupt our protest, because they don’t belong in our protest. The Democrats don’t get to walk in the middle of a pro Trump protest with a Biden flag. They can counter protest respectfully somewhere else across the street or something. And you shouldnt attack a Biden flag Or something but you should take away a Nazi flag and burn a nazi flag. What they are doing is a felony crime: they know that you’re not a Nazi but they bought themselves a Nazi flag and they walk into the middle of your Trump rally wearing a blue motorcycle helmet and a concealing wardrobe, to hide their identity, and they wanna walk in the middle of your event to attack your first amendment event to make everybody think that you’re bad. They are directly at trying to destroy and take away your first amendment right by willfully deceiving the public, it’s also a crime called slander and libel. It’s not a protected first amendment activity for antifa or a deep state trader agent or BLM or some Nazi woke liberal to take their Nazi flag that they own and put on a motorcycle helmet to conceal their identity and then walk in the middle of your protest in order to deceive the world about what you really are. Deliberate willful deception and deliberate willful sabotage of someone else’s first amendment is not itself first amendment activity. So you take their flag you take the flag pole away and you burn that Nazi flag and you found the burning of it and you let everyone know the Trump supporters burn Nazi flags. You have to police you’re Protests, everybody who attends the protest needs to police the protest to make sure bad guys do not infiltrate. It does not have to have a preset starting time but it does need to have a definite strong and certain Ending time at which point everyone immediately disperses and disappears like that man and scatter to the wind and just go home. If somebody tells you to move away from somewhere, just move somewhere else. It doesn’t matter where you do it as long as you’re waving the flag in public. You can just take a walk through town with a couple of your friends it doesn’t matter. Definite ending, self policing your own protest, definite action to police your own Protest especially removing false flag symbols and criminal or provocateur infiltrators, Public burning of false flag hate paraphernalia so that the record is clear and the whole world will see that you burned the Nazi flag but the bad guys try to bring, have a definite ending time. At which point everybody unanimously disperses at the same time. Be polite be friendly be good, because that is your character. Follow the law do what’s right be peaceful because you were never not peaceful. You are the good guys they are the bad guys, We need to do first amendment protest we just need to be smart about it. Jesus is Lord.

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