The Truth About Capitalism: Non Compete Debunked on Why Capitalism Sucks Part 1

4 years ago

In part 1 on The Truth About Capitalism: Non Compete Debunked in response to his video on 'Why Capitalism Sucks,' I cover the basis of why his argument is fallacious on capitalism by giving examples on the difference between capitalism and corporatism. As I have argued, it is important to look at history and to understand history in order to comprehend the causation for why we live under corporatism.

I have Non Compete debunked on this argument as he clearly does not understand recorded history. In another argument I have addressed, as I have done before, is on profits. Again, much like ContraPoints and others, socialists prove they don't understand prices and what the role of prices are.

You can watch his original video here:

The truth about capitalism and why capitalism is great is that the exact opposite is the truth from all the baseless silly claims Non Compete has made in his video, for example; his baseless claim on the rich getting richer and poor getting poorer or a dangerous concentration of wealth in the hands of the few and if not those myths, it's claiming that capitalism was responsible for monopoly creation.

You will come across these arguments often about capitalism and one common trait you will find among countless anti capitalist critiques is the attempt to state baseless claims as if based on fact, however, economic history contradicts their fallacious claims. As I have covered in this video, it should be pretty clear the distinction between what is capitalist in the economy to what is socialist, after all, since there isn't 100 percent capitalism, socialism has to have presence somewhere.

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