20220811 - Liberty Minute

2 years ago

The Inflation Reduction Act does everything but reduce inflation.
I'm Peter Serefine, and this is today's Liberty Minute.
Speaker Pelosi said that the House will pass the $430 billion bill tomorrow. In a letter to her Democrat colleagues, she called the bill "life-changing legislation."
Also known as the climate, tax, Healthcare, and anything but inflation reducing bill, the relabeled Build Back Better bill will definitely be life-changing.
This bill is going to make absolutely everything you buy more expensive while drastically increasing the chances of getting audited by the IRS.
This Frankenstein's monster piece of legislation is a perfect example of why we need HR46-One Bill, One Subject Transparency Act. Healthcare, green energy, and tax law should never be in one bill together. Putting these things under the title of "Inflation Reduction" is just insulting.
Find out more about HR46 and sign the petition of support at Liberty-Lighthouse.com/hr46
Until tomorrow, si vis Pacem, Para Bellum

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