The Truth About Capitalism: Non Compete Debunked—Competition in the Workplace part 5

4 years ago

In this video on the truth about capitalism: Non Compete Debunked, I covered his argument on the competition in the workplace. As I previously mentioned in part 4 we do not live under a free market economy, therefore, what is to blame for the lack of employment opportunity in ratio to demand for employment is to blame on governments interference in the economy.

Again, Non Compete uses the argument about automation, but as previously mentioned in part 4, it is a myth to state that automation resulted in a reduction in employment. As Henry Hazlitt points out:

_"New stocking frames as they were introduced were destroyed by the handicraft workmen (over 1,000 in a single riot), houses were burned, the inventors were threatened and obliged to fly for their lives, and order was not finally restored until the military had been called out and the leading rioters had been either transported or hanged._
_"Now it is important to bear in mind that insofar as the rioters were thinking of their own immediate or even longer futures their opposition to the machine was rational. For William Felkin, in his History of the Machine-Wrought Hosiery Manufactures (1867), tells us that the larger part of the 50,000 English stocking knitters and their families did not fully emerge from the hunger and misery entailed by the introduction of the machine for the next forty years. But insofar as the rioters believed, as most of them undoubtedly did, that the machine was permanently displacing men, they were mistaken, for before the end of the nineteenth century the stocking industry was employing at least a hundred men for every man it employed at the beginning of the century."_

No different to the myth that as productivity increased and profits for the capitalist increased, he erroneously claims that workers wages decreased, which is the complete opposite to that of the truth.

It may seem reasonable to speak about the competition in the workplace being a problem, but competition is what strives businesses to improve, most importantly, conflict in the workplace in today's market is to blame on corporatism, not capitalism.

Something I forgot to mention in this video and important to note; it is NOT the capitalist that determines what gets produced, it is the consumer through consumer demand. As mentioned, the capitalist may give orders of what he wants done with his own business regarding production, more often than not the employees are left freely to their own creativity. The capitalist would not have hired the highly-skilled individual for such things otherwise.

The thing that contradicts Non Compete debunked on his argument is that the very slave labour system he complains about is the natural state of where socialism will always lead and always has led. As I've mentioned numerous times in the past, without the private sector you are left with the printing press and that is destined to lead you to hyperinflation. The idea of a moneyless based economy in of itself is every bit as silly.

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