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Jesus is the frequency that heals / cleans the blood

2 years ago


  • 0/2000
  • Well maybe your church really is not explaining the gospel. But salvation is not by some frequency. It’s just a spiritual and moral thing and you could say it’s a legal thing in heaven. You’re not being physically cleansed, you’re being spiritually atoned for. We are guilty of doing immoral unrighteous things, it meant that our lawful and holy God could not allow us into heaven, and into his presence, and our sin caused us to be spiritually dead. Jesus is the life, So he became human just like us and he overcame death, and he used his blood which had no sin because he never committed any sense, and he atoned for our sins. Because Jesus took punishment and died and his blood was spilled out, that settle the score for the guilt of man. Our sins are dealt with when we die. So Jesus died on our behalf so that we don’t have to, he overcame death so that he could give and transfer that life to us, And because he is the righteous God, because his blood was without sin, because he never committed any sins in his life on earth, he also gave us his righteousness and so he gave us the type of eternal life that was good. There’s nothing scientific about that, it’s all spiritual and religious and moral, it has to do with God and things that Are not part of the physical world. Remember that God created everything out of that which was not visible or physical or tangible. God preexisted the physical world and God’s spiritual attributes are not based on what goes on in the physical world. God has an affect in the spiritual world, but the spiritual world does not have an effect on God’s spiritual Program. Even Jesus Christ dying, was not because the Romans were just strong, it was because God spiritually wanted and planned for that to happen

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