Yoeli Lebowitz @ Schieners - Rebbe Nachman - Live Uman Rosh Hashanah!

5 years ago

This Most Special of Emuna Weekly classes finds us in the middle of Rosh Hashana to Yom Kippur! #GmarChatimaTovah - For #Unity #Projects email - unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com
A time of Repentance, removing distractions, focusing on our true selves, praying for the new blessed year that has begun, and personally readying ourselves for the Emuna Tour 2019!
Watch here - https://youtu.be/Bw0D2BV-xjs

#EmunaisourFuture with #Clarity and a #Focused New Year!
Listen here - https://anchor.fm/breslevIsrael/episodes/Emuna-is-our-Future-with-Clarity-and-a-Focused-New-Year-e5h0kj

The key is Clarity of the power of Renewal, to truly begin again, focused on what our mission is, bringing this to life with Joy!
Sukkot is the time we rejoice with the power of an #Emuna filled life, dancing in the light of the Righteous, in song, with soul and love for Torah & Mitzvot that we get to perform daily!
To immerse in even more so this special time of year!
Let's hope with true prayers, that the Joy, Clarity and Real Focus of Emuna will be with us the whole New Year 5780! #shareon #10daysofRepentance #Inspired #EmunaTorah!

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