Special Offer for In Person Audience Members!

2 years ago

Special for In Person attendees! Join us for dinner -- on the house!
August 20th, Berkeley Springs, WV.
Get tickets here: https://arlingtoninstitute.org/event/victor-sagalovsky-deuterium-depleted-water-for-longevity-and-health/

Or join us via Livestream - but miss out on the great companionship.

A new human is not new if he or she is not different!

CHANGE is what makes something New! And if the shift is big and powerful … so are the changes. Necessarily! That’s the way it works. No change: things stay the same. Big changes, inventions, breakthroughs, disruptions – all result in structural shifts and make up evolutionary jumps.

So if we’re facing the most significant evolutionary jump in human history – which almost every indicator suggests – then we will necessarily start to see highly disruptive events. There will be breakthroughs on top of breakthroughs and other major shocks to the system. You’re starting to see these things all around us now. The old system is breaking up and making the space for the emergence for the new system.

In the near future, there will be an energy revolution, computing revolution, healthcare revolution, education revolution, geopolitical revolution … to say nothing about a human revolution. It’s a very exciting time … of change.
What will be the characteristics of the new human? One thing is certain – there will be life extension. You’ll have the potential to live longer with a younger, more healthy body.

Mainstream science is actively approaching the issue from a number of perspectives and directions, exploring the operation of bugs, fish, plants, animals and humans – looking for the secrets of what causes life to end as it commonly does. It’s surprising the amount of progress that is being made in laboratories around the world.

But one of the most elegant, and impressive breakthroughs related to life extension and increased quality of health literally has to do with the water we all drink. Our TransitionTalk speaker on the 20th of August, Victor Sagalovsky, is a global leader in the practical process of producing drinking water that has been proven to extend life.

Victor will be describing the relatively recent research that has surprisingly found that all of the drinkable water on this planet has an elemental component – a version of hydrogen – that is literally a poison! It’s twice the size of the regular hydrogen atom that makes up water but when this substance – deuterium – binds with oxygen it becomes heavy water. You may have heard of heavy water. It is a component in nuclear bombs. It’s not good for humans.

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