Rob Kientz: Silver continues to leave London and COMEX registered vaults

1 year ago

Rob Kientz: Silver continues to leave London and COMEX registered vaults

Over the last year and a half there's been a steady, if not accelerating, amount of silver leaving the London and COMEX registered vaults.

The latest London vault holdings were released this week which showed another sizable reduction, and it raises the question of where that silver is going.

Fortunately Rob Kientz of joined me on the show today to share his analysis, and what he thinks this means for the silver market. He also talked about the recent price action in the silver market, the impact of the Fed's interest rate hiking policy, and how he sees investors and citizens responding going forward.

So to find out more, click to watch the video now!


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To read Ronan Manly's article about the reduction in the London vault holdings go to:


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