Ambocc Reel

2 years ago

The shot break downs are listed below:

0:02 Sony - Powers - Camera Tracking and CG Background
0:17 Sony - Powers - CG Eye FX Blast
0:21 Sony - Powers - Camera Tracking and CG Background/Blood/Gore
0:24 Sony - Powers - CG Scene
0:26 Chrysler - Born Maker - CG Synapis/Particle Explosions
0:28 Sundance - Opening - Camera Track, CG Trail/Particles, Compositing
0:37 CNN - Wolf Blitzer - Camera Tracking, Compositing
0:41 Mercedes - E Class - Camera Tracking, CG Road Replacement, Compositing
0:44 Audi - Quattro - Compositing.
0:46 Chrysler - Buy American - Compositing.
0:47 Toyota - Sochi Olympics - Snow FX
0:49 Wild Turkey - Imperfect - Compositing
0:52 DirecTV - Rio Olympics - Compositing
1:00 Wilson - One Life - Compositing
1:11 Tena - Lady Pants - Camera Tracking, CG Replacement, Compositing
1:14 Wells Fargo - The Stagecoach & the Snowmen - CG Set Extension, Compositing
1:21 Calvin Klein - Platinum - Compositing
1:26 Starz - Da Vinci's Demons - Smoke FX
1:34 NBC Universal - Crossbones - Camera Tracking, Smoke FX, Cloth FX, Compositing
1:45 Fox - Die Hard 5 - Environment/Particles FX
1:58 Millennium - Expendables - CG Replacement, Compositing
2:02 Columbia - The Amazing Spider-man - Web Animation
2:06 Curmudgeon Films - Trailer Park Shark - CG Animation and Compositing
2:07 Warner Bros - Beautiful Creatures - Fire/Smoke FX, Compositing
2:09 Fox - Terra Nova - Explosion/Fire/Smoke FX
2:13 Starz - Da Vinci's Demons - Smoke FX, Rigid Body FX
2:18 Fox - Sleepy Hollow - CG Replacement, Chain FX, Animation
2:27 NBC - Brooklyn Animal Control - Camera/Object Tracking, CG Replacement, Compositing
2:32 NBC - Midnight Texas - CG Replacement, CG Animation, Compositing
2:34 NBC - Community - CG Replacement, Smoke FX, CG Animation
2:37 NBC - Mockingbird Lane - Cloud FX
2:42 Warner Bros - Beautiful Creatures - Particle FX
2:45 HBO - Game of Thrones - Environment FX


#ambocc #ambocc3d #amboccstudios

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