Same NASA, Science Was Real Part 6

2 years ago

NASA pretends that solar-powered helicopters can fly around on Mars where there’s virtually no atmosphere. They will continue to waste unlimited amounts of money on this fake space mission, as they will claim to send two space helicopters to Mars that will be used to landscape the planet by moving rocks around the surface.

This is just the latest lunacy from NASA, which went to extraordinary, but painfully obvious, lengths to fake Apollo broadcasts, falsely claiming they were half-way to the moon and pretend to broadcast a video of Earth through the Apollo capsule window.

The same NASA that provides video documentary proof, straight out of their archives of their fakery.

The same NASA that keeps an astonishing collection of videos and other content revealing the agencies decades-long fraud of Apollo missions and more.

The same NASA which has on display “documented” photos and videos, that are so laughable by today’s standards, they wouldn’t even qualify as good comedy.

The same NASA that has been exposed for the moon landing “hoax” ad nauseam again and again.

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