5 years ago

Mike Balloun teaches on 09-28-2019.

Genesis 1:26, 6:2; Jude 6; Psalm 8; Hebrews 1:5-10, 2:10; Romans 8:18



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This is a brief outline of God’s Scriptural Plan for all mankind and more importantly, it’s written so that we will be able to comprehend the possibilities pertaining to where we can find our place in His Plan. The discovery of which adds lost incentive, confidence and assurance to our hearts of God’s designed order in this time, which has undoubtedly reached the time of the last generation before His return. (Matthew 24:34) We are going to start off by looking at the bigger picture which, if we grasp it, will help us understand the backdrop for the theme of this book, God’s Plan for all mankind.

A Scriptural summary of that Plan begins with recognizing that we are created beings, and our bodies are of the material of this realm, as are the earth and heavens seen above. Scripture informs us of another realm, that being the “spirit realm”. And in that realm, God had previously created superior spirit beings; Angels. Scripture also reveals that 1/3 of God’s angels are in rebellion and along with their leader, satan, are jointly occupying, and ruling the nations of this earthly realm. They do so by usurped authority, having successfully tempted Adam, God’s first created man, to whom He had given authority over this earthly realm. So it is now that all man’s earthly government is controlled and corrupted by unseen evil forces who rule from spiritual high places, whose evil ways are checked by God by way of constant monitoring and oversight of His faithful Angels. And if any regenerated man, being then God’s child, would answer His call to be Godly, those wicked spirit forces will ever oppose him, as they resist God’s will for him. And therefore, man must presently resist and battle them in order to cooperate with God in His will.

The reality then in which we live is that fallen angels rule over the present Earth/World and Mankind from high places in the unseen spirit realm surrounding us. But Scripture holds forth that God has determined an end to their government. In that God has appointed a new administrating authority, the Messiah Who shall replace them and rule throughout the universe. He shall cast out of the heavenly places those evil angelic forces and break into pieces and consume all the earthly governments through which those unseen forces rule. (Daniel 2:44, Mark 13:35, Revelation 12:7-9 to name a few.)

Then God will grant Man all authority, in the Person of the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, Who then in association with His accounted worthies will reign in government with Him over His entire eternal Kingdom. “For unto the angels hath he not put in subjection the world to come, whereof we speak.” (Psalm 8, Hebrews 1:5-10) Having the understanding that men will rule over the world instead of/and replacing angels, makes it easier to understand why satan and his underling forces work so hard to keep God’s people from coming into their FULL inheritance. This would fulfill God’s original stated intent, which was to grant man authority in the Earth. (Genesis 1:26) And at the time of Christ’s First Coming, God added His intent to increase the realm of man’s dominion to the heavenly spirit realm as well. This was one of the great mysteries hidden until Christ’s First Coming. God had previously condemned the satanically perverted scheme of one species leaving its created estate and place and taking on the form, or joining itself with other species. (Genesis 6:2, Jude 6, Leviticus 20:6) This being the Law in Genesis that everything should produce after its own kind/species. (Genesis 1) For God had foreordained a holy uniting of a heavenly being with an earthly being, taking the form of the Son of God / Son of man. His intent was to bring many spiritual sons into being, whom would be fit or worthy to bring into His glorious holy heavenly realm and Presence. (Hebrews 2:10, 1st Thessalonians 2:12) This being the state or place which even the merely regenerated (much less natural fallen man) is not capable to inhabit. This is the state and place of the New Man. Certainly there shall always be the saved of natural Nations living eternally upon the earth, (Revelation 21:24) but this exclusive calling of place and position in the heavenly realm is the mysterious and magnificent part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It has in view this New Creature; that is to say those chosen worthies caught up into new transcendent glory-filled bodies fit for that realm. (1st Corinthians 15:50-53)



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