15 OP CHAMPIONS to Play on Patch 12.15 (Predictions) - League of Legends

1 year ago

0:00 Intro
0:38 Kennen
1:40 Rammus
2:07 Aatrox
2:25 Zac
2:42 Swain
3:06 Diana
3:36 Heimerdinger
3:54 Seraphine
4:18 Taric
4:42 Janna
5:17 QotD
5:29 Fiddlesticks
6:09 Volibear
6:44 Bel'veth
7:10 Master Yi
7:32 Amumu
8:15 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 12.15 Best support 12.15, best mid laners 12.15, best junglers 12.15, best top laners 12.15, patch 12.15 rundown, 12.15 lol, 12.15 changes, item buffs 12.15, lillia buffs 12.15, singed buffs 12.15, rammus buffs 12.15, leona buffs 12.15, thresh buffs 12.15, kennen buffs 12.15, master yi nerfs 12.15, qiyana nerfs 12.15, sivir nerfs 12.15, gwen nerfs 12.15, taliyah nerfs 12.15, kalista nerfs 12.15, merc scim buffs 12.15, silvermere dawn buffs 12.15,

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