Outrageous! How i Explain why every American should be outraged, PT1 of 2

2 years ago

Every American should be outraged from the "Inflation Reduction Bill, The FBI raid of Former President Trumps Home all on the eve of Mid term elections and the anniversary of 911.

How 911 created the War on YOU, "We The People"

The War on Terror was really the prelude to the War on us, the American people and its constitution. 9/11 was the perfect cover and excuse for Global tyranny and a NWO

Who won?

US and allies? No! They lost the war and thousands of soldiers and trillions of dollars.
The American People? No! they lost and are continuing losing their liberties and trillions of dollars. Bill of Rights/Constitution is a shell of its origins

Iraqis? No! They lost thousands of soldiers and billions of dollars

Iraqi people? No! They lost Millions of Iraqi citizens and Billions of dollars
Taliban? No! They lost thousands of fighters and much more Afghan civilians.

Afghan people? No way.

Who won then?

The only winners were the Central Bankers, the corporations that sell weapons and war equipment.(Military Industrial complex) They are the only winners.

The terrorist did too! America is unreconizable while they are still being in control of Afghanistan & Iraq as of 2022

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