Prof. Harvey Risch: Stopping failed mandates likely requires court cases | Real America's Voice

1 year ago


1. Vaccine efficacy and mandates

Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, has been caught revising history. She recently said she knew the vaccines weren't going to protect against infection, when that is exactly what she implied when she spoke about herd immunity in an interview in December of 2020.

Mandates for medical interventions are illegal under the Nuremberg Code and Declaration of Helsinki, especially when it concerns barely tested substances. However, if you even want to start making an argument for vaccine mandates, the vaccines must prevent spread. The evidence is unequivocal that the COVID jabs do no such thing. This should be the end of even considering mandates for everyone, including care workers.

The 'vaccines' are such a debacle that don't even prevent severe disease and death. More and more evidence is showing that they tend to increase the risk for these outcomes.

2. Public health emergency declarations for monkeypox

'Pandemics' and 'public health emergencies' used to require the spread of serious disease and death. However, in 2009 the definition was changed requiring no minimum severity. According to the new definition, even the mildest cold can be called a pandemic. Even though it is mild and should be a non-issue, countries are still required to preventive measures.

In the last 2 weeks, public health emergencies have been declared for 'monkeypox', even though people are not dying from the disease and may not even get severely ill.

3. Stopping failed mandates, where governments are doubling down instead of stopping the mandates

If we want to stop the mandates, courts cases are likely required.

One example is for life and disability insurers, who've incurred enormous early, unexpected claims due to untimely deaths and injuries as a result of vaxx injuries. They may sue for misrepresentation of the risk of these injections. Although the vaccine manufacturers seem to be perfectly immune from any product liability, their Achilles' heel is if fraud can be proven. That would negate their contractual immunity from product liability.

Another example is court cases against vaccine mandates and mask mandates. The evidence is unequivocal that these interventions do not protect others in the least.

4. Diminished trust of parents regarding regular child vaccination

The FDA, CDC and other institutions, have deservedly lost an enormous amount of public trust due to their continued misinformation spreading and their reckless and lax behavior.

A part of the public has concluded that these institutions cannot be trusted, and have rightfully started to doubt the necessity, safety and efficacy of regular vaccines for their children.

If the government wants to reverse this, it will require pristine behavior over a prolonged period of time. Trust is hard to gain, but easy to lose. It takes years to build, but can be gone in moments.

Mary Holland's book on the HPV vaccine shows that the misrepresentation of facts by vaccine manufacturers is not new at all.


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